
Hey there! So, you wanna know more about me? I'm delighted!

My name is Poppy Starlight (except obviously it isn't really that, but I do think it sounds cool, which is good enough).

I'm asexual and aromantic, with no real attachment to any gender. I usually just go by whatever is the funniest at the time.

And... I guess this is my website? There's two main parts right now - this blog, where I'll post my raw thoughts whenever the mood strikes me, and the Chapters™, which each respresent something I have a deep attachment to and want to discuss in greater detail than a blog form would provide.

(A special mention goes out to chapter one, the bite-sized stories document. It's the reason I started this website in the first place!)

I'll keep developing this site over time (and I mean that in turtle pace), but to start with: try playing this interactive story. I'd say you'd get a pretty good measure on me as a person, just from this one thing.
(At least until I fix the rest of the website, anyway.)

It works better on desktop, and google translate is required if you can't read Korean. Which I cannot.

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Oh, and I mustn't forget - my friend also made their own site. If you're curious, click here!