Well, hey there! Welcome to my website. For lack of better options, I've gotten into the habit of referring to it as my toybox.
My name's Poppy, and right now, none of the toys have been put away, so everything is kind of scattered everywhere. I'm sorry! Just try to watch where you step, and you should be fine.
Fun fact about me: this website was kind of an accident. I just wanted to learn a new skill, so I took up coding - I didn't actually realise that would mean I needed to, y'know. HAVE something to put on the site.
But it's all right now, because I've finally worked out what I wanted to use this space for.
See, I have this word document I've been working on for a few years now. A collection of words and quotes I didn't want to forget. Bite-sized stories, you might call them.
But they're all just sitting on my laptop, where only I can see them. And I think that's a waste.
So, while I get used to writing in html, I'm going to slowly - veeeery slowly - bring them over from the document into this website.
That way, they'll always be there for someone to read.
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Well, that's about all from me for now. Watch this space! And maybe come visit me again in... two months or so? When the toybox has been cleaned up a bit more.
Prologue - more about me