Well, hey there! Welcome to my website.
My name's Poppy, and right now, everything here is still shiny and new - which is to say, I don't know how to change anything major yet. Sorry! You'll just have to endure the white background for a while.
Fun fact about me: this website was kind of an accident. I just wanted to learn a new skill, so I took up coding - I didn't realise that would mean I needed to, y'know. ACTUALLY have something to put on the site.
But it all worked out in the end, because I realised what I wanted to use this space for.
See, I have this word document I've been working on for... gosh, quite a few years now. A collection of words and quotes I didn't want to forget. Bite-sized stories, you might call them.
But they're all just sitting on my laptop, where only I can see them. And I think that's a waste.
So, while I get used to writing in html (I'm not even touching css yet), I'm going to slowly - and I mean slowly - bring them over from the document into this website.
That way, they'll always be there for someone to read. (Update: the document has been fully updated to the website! Yippie!)
(And, I'm not super sure how these work, but treat this sentence as a general trigger warning over the document. It goes into some pretty serious themes.)
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Well, that's about all from me for now. Watch this space! And maybe come visit me again in... oh, I don't know. A year? I do not work fast.
Prologue - Internet, Computer, Camera, Poppy!